Team Zyr

Team Zyr

Recipe Creator, Patent Holder, Chief Sampler, Motivator

Happy Place: Colorado apres-ski, listening to KZYR (no relation but great music obviously) and sipping a Zyr on the rocks.

My Drink: Zyr on the rocks, recently moved from bleu cheese stuffed olives to just olives to cut the calories.

Favorite Pairing: Zyr Martini with Tutto Crudo at Felidia

Thankful For: My partners and team around the world that help me make Zyr, get her onto shelves and back-bars and introduced to vodka-loving consumers

Professional Goals: Free Zyr for life ... goal accomplished!

Personal Goals: Lose weight to reintroduce bleu-cheese stuffed olives and enjoy my partners, team and amazing family

Quality Control, Export Documentation & Russian Tour Guide

Happy Place: Anywhere on planet Earth where nature is undisturbed ... and of course a hockey rink!

My Drink: Zyr Cranberry Moose!

Favorite Pairing: Zyr Vodka and a shot glass! =)

Thankful For: My parents who gave me life and raised me.

Professional Goals: To grow worldwide with the Zyr team and company!

Personal Goals: To have prosperity, play sports, travel the world, and other social activities with friends and family!

DOE • Director of Everything

Happy Place: Happiness is a state of mind so I’m happy wherever I am. Except the DMV, no one is happy at the DMV.

My Drink: Salted Cucumber Gimlet (with Zyr of course!)

Favorite Pairing: Fresh lime gimlet on the rocks and a bowl of gnocchi! YUM!

Thankful For: My Husband, my dogs, and Google; because Google knows the answers to all questions and the answer is always 42!

Professional Goals: To continue to grow with this amazing company and make Zyr the number one vodka in the world!

Personal Goals: See the northern lights, own a piece of property on the beach in the next 10 years, and to finally beat my husband at Mario Kart!

Regional Director • New York / New Jersey Region

Happy Place: Anywhere in Paris!

My Drink: Zyr on the rocks with a fresh lime.

Favorite Pairing: Zyr on the rocks with a rosemary lamb chop.

Thankful For: My supportive family and my work crew.

Professional Goals: work for a dream company... accomplished Expand professional knowledge and expand territory, learn new markets. I am starting... and I am learning from the best! David Katz!

Personal Goals: Balance family and professional life. Financial freedom.

Regional Director • Colorado

Happy Place: The be in the Tuscan Countryside. In a pinch, anywhere near the water – I miss it so much!

My Drink: A Zyr heavy vesper!

Favorite Pairing: Zyr on the rocks in a mountainside hot tub surrounded by snow!

Thankful For: My incredible family for always being there for me. My amazing husband for supporting my crazy endeavors (and always working for free). My incredible team in Colorado as well as my counterparts for their tireless work building our brand!

Professional Goals: Be one of the absolute top in my field. Maintain a healthy work/life balance. Finally to retire in Italy!!!

Personal Goals:Be one of the absolute top in my field. Maintain a healthy work/life balance. Retire in Italy!!!

Senior Brand Ambassador • South New Jersey & Delaware

Happy Place: Spending time with the people I love is my happy place. I try to be happy everyday, keep a smile on my face, and make the best of it wherever I am!

My Drink: Black Cherry Gimlet

Favorite Pairing: Sharing a great cocktail with friends and family

Thankful For: Finally having the cool job, and also for my amazing girlfriend who is the best support I could ever ask for.

Professional Goals: To help Zyr take over the Tri-State area and then the world

Personal Goals: I hope to have financial freedom in the next 10 years, I want to use the passport I got right before the pandemic and I will one day find the perfect work/life balance (but this job helps a lot!)

Regional Director • Central & North Florida

Happy Place: Happy place is always at the beach!

My Drink: Zyr with soda (low calories!)

Favorite Pairing: Zyr martini and shrimp ceviche (green of course)!

Thankful For: My amazing and supporting family, my good health and the most fun job ever surrounded by wonderful people! Truly blessed!

Professional Goals: Working for a dream company; ACCOMPLISHED! Next is to expand my professional knowledge and expand my territory and to learn new markets. Learning from the best Dave Katz!

Personal Goals: Balance family and my professional life and of course, financial freedom.

Senior Brand Ambassador • Future Zyr Spokesperson

Happy Place: At a bar with a fresh pour of Zyr!

My Drink: Zyr; just about any way you can serve it.

Favorite Pairing: Zyr with ice!

Thankful For: A full glass of Zyr!

Professional Goals: Everyone drinking Zyr!

Personal Goals: Never stop drinking Zyr!

Recipe Creator, Patent Holder, Chief Sampler, Motivator

Happy Place: Colorado apres-ski, listening to KZYR (no relation but great music obviously) and sipping a Zyr on the rocks.

My Drink: Zyr On the Rocks, recently moved from bleu cheese stuffed olives to just olives to cut the calories

Favorite Pairing: Zyr Martini with Tutto Crudo at Felidia

Thankful For: My partners and team around the world that help me make Zyr, get her onto shelves and back-bards and introduced to vodka-loving consumers

Professional Goals: Free Zyr for life…. goal accomplished!

Personal Goals: Lose weight to re-introduce bleu-cheese stuffed olives and enjoy my partners, team and amazing family

Recipe Creator, Patent Holder, Chief Sampler, Motivator

Happy Place: Colorado apres-ski, listening to KZYR (no relation but great music obviously) and sipping a Zyr on the rocks.

My Drink: Zyr On the Rocks, recently moved from bleu cheese stuffed olives to just olives to cut the calories

Favorite Pairing: Zyr Martini with Tutto Crudo at Felidia

Thankful For: My partners and team around the world that help me make Zyr, get her onto shelves and back-bards and introduced to vodka-loving consumers

Professional Goals: Free Zyr for life…. goal accomplished!

Personal Goals: Lose weight to re-introduce bleu-cheese stuffed olives and enjoy my partners, team and amazing family

Recipe Creator, Patent Holder, Chief Sampler, Motivator

Happy Place: Happiness is a state of mind so I’m happy wherever I am.. Except the DMV, no one is happy at the DMV.

My Drink: Salted Cucumber Gimlet (with Zyr of course!)

Favorite Pairing: Fresh lime gimlet on the Rocks and a bowl of Gnocchi

Thankful For: My Husband, My Dogs, and Goggle, Because Google knows the answers to all questions.

Professional Goals: To continue to grow with this amazing company and make Zyr the #1 Vodka in the USA!

Personal Goals: See the northern lights, Own a piece of property beach side in the next 10 years, beat my husband at Mario Kart

Regional Director • New York / New Jersey Region

Happy Place: Anywhere in Paris!

My Drink: Zyr with soda, low calories...

Favorite Pairing: Zyr martini and shrimp ceviche (green)

Thankful For: My amazing and supporting family, health and the must fun job ever, surrounded by wonderful people! Totally blessed!!

Professional Goals: Work for a dream company... accomplished. Expand professional knowledge and expand territory, learn new markets. I am starting... and I am learning from the best! David Katz!

Personal Goals: Balance family and professional life. Financial freedom.

Regional Director • New York / New Jersey Region

Happy Place: The Tuscan Countryside. In a pinch, anywhere near the water- I miss it so much!!

My Drink: a Zyr heavy Vesper!

Favorite Pairing: Zyr on the Rocks, Mountainside hot tub, snow!

Thankful For: My incredible family for always being there for me. My amazing husband for supporting my crazy endeavors (and always working for free). My incredible team in Colorado as well as my counterparts for their tireless work building our brand!

Professional Goals: Be one of the absolute top in my field. Maintain a healthy work/life balance. Retire in Italy!!!

Personal Goals: Personal Goals: Be one of the absolute top in my field. Maintain a healthy work/life balance. Retire in Italy!!!

Regional Director • South Florida

Happy Place: Spending time with the people I love anywhere is my happy place. I try to be happy everyday, keep a smile on my face, and make the best of it wherever I am.

My Drink: Black Cherry Gimlet

Favorite Pairing: Sharing a great cocktail with friends and family

Thankful For: Finally having the cool job, and also for my amazing girlfriend who is the best support I could ever ask for.

Professional Goals: To help Zyr take over the Tri-State area and then the world

Personal Goals: I hope to have financial freedom in the next 10 years, I want to use the passport I got right before the pandemic and I will one day find the perfect work/life balance (but this job helps a lot!)

Regional Director • Central & North Florida

Happy Place: Happiness is a state of mind so I’m happy wherever I am.. Except the DMV, no one is happy at the DMV.

My Drink: Salted Cucumber Gimlet (with Zyr of course!)

Favorite Pairing: Zyr martini and shrimp ceviche (green of course)!

Thankful For: My Husband, My Dogs, and Goggle, Because Google knows the answers to all questions.

Professional Goals: To continue to grow with this amazing company and make Zyr the #1 Vodka in the USA!

Personal Goals: See the northern lights, Own a piece of property beach side in the next 10 years, beat my husband at Mario Kart

Senior Brand Ambassador • Future Zyr Spokesperson

Happy Place: At a bar with a fresh pour of Zyr

My Drink: Zyr any way you serve it

Favorite Pairing: Zyr with ice

Thankful For: A full glass of Zyr

Professional Goals: Everyone drinking Zyr

Personal Goals: Never stop drinking Zyr

Recipe Creator, Patent Holder, Chief Sampler, Motivator

Happy Place: Colorado apres-ski, listening to KZYR (no relation but great music obviously) and sipping a Zyr on the rocks.

My Drink: Zyr On the Rocks, recently moved from bleu cheese stuffed olives to just olives to cut the calories

Favorite Pairing: Zyr Martini with Tutto Crudo at Felidia

Thankful For: My partners and team around the world that help me make Zyr, get her onto shelves and back bars and introduced to vodka-loving consumers

Professional Goals: Free Zyr for life…. goal accomplished!

Personal Goals: Lose weight to re-introduce bleu-cheese stuffed olives and enjoy my partners, team and amazing family

Quality Control, Export Documentation & Russian Tour Guide

Happy Place: Anywhere on planet Earth where nature is undisturbed ... and of course a hockey rink!

My Drink: Zyr Cranberry Moose!

Favorite Pairing: Zyr Vodka and a shot glass! =)

Thankful For: My parents who gave me life and raised me.

Professional Goals: To grow worldwide with the Zyr team and company!

Personal Goals: To have prosperity, play sports, travel the world, and other social activities with friends and family!

DOE • Director of Everything

Happy Place: Happiness is a state of mind so I’m happy wherever I am.. Except the DMV, no one is happy at the DMV.

My Drink: Salted Cucumber Gimlet (with Zyr of course!)

Favorite Pairing: Fresh lime gimlet on the Rocks and a bowl of Gnocchi

Thankful For: My Husband, my dogs, and Google; because Google knows the answers to all questions and the answer is always 42!

Professional Goals:To continue to grow with this amazing company and make Zyr the number one vodka in the world!

Personal Goals: See the northern lights, Own a piece of property beach side in the next 10 years, beat my husband at Mario Kart

Regional Director • New York / New Jersey Region

Happy Place: Anywhere in Paris!

My Drink: Zyr with soda, low calories...

Favorite Pairing: Zyr martini and shrimp ceviche (green)

Thankful For: My amazing and supporting family, health and the must fun job ever, surrounded by wonderful people! Totally blessed!!

Professional Goals: Work for a dream company... accomplished. Expand professional knowledge and expand territory, learn new markets. I am starting... and I am learning from the best! David Katz!

Personal Goals: Balance family and professional life. Financial freedom.

Regional Director • Colorado

Happy Place: The Tuscan Countryside. In a pinch, anywhere near the water- I miss it so much!!

My Drink: a Zyr heavy Vesper!

Favorite Pairing: Zyr on the Rocks, Mountainside hot tub, snow!

Thankful For: My incredible family for always being there for me. My amazing husband for supporting my crazy endeavors (and always working for free). My incredible team in Colorado as well as my counterparts for their tireless work building our brand!

Professional Goals: Make all of our products the number one sellers in my region!

Personal Goals: Be one of the absolute top in my field. Maintain a healthy work/life balance. Retire in Italy!!!

Sr. Brand Ambassador • South NJ & DE

Happy Place: Spending time with the people I love anywhere is my happy place. I try to be happy everyday, keep a smile on my face, and make the best of it wherever I am.

My Drink: Black Cherry Gimlet

Favorite Pairing: Sharing a great cocktail with friends and family

Thankful For: Finally having the cool job, and also for my amazing girlfriend who is the best support I could ever ask for.

Professional Goals: To help Zyr take over the Tri-State area and then the world

Personal Goals: I hope to have financial freedom in the next 10 years, I want to use the passport I got right before the pandemic and I will one day find the perfect work/life balance (but this job helps a lot!)

Regional Director • Central & North Florida

Happy Place: Happiness is a state of mind so I’m happy wherever I am.. Except the DMV, no one is happy at the DMV.

My Drink: Salted Cucumber Gimlet (with Zyr of course!)

Favorite Pairing: Zyr martini and shrimp ceviche (green of course)!

Thankful For: My Husband, My Dogs, and Goggle, Because Google knows the answers to all questions.

Professional Goals: To continue to grow with this amazing company and make Zyr the #1 Vodka in the USA!

Personal Goals: See the northern lights, Own a piece of property beach side in the next 10 years, beat my husband at Mario Kart

Senior Brand Ambassador • Future Zyr Spokesperson

Happy Place: At a bar with a fresh pour of Zyr

My Drink: Zyr any way you serve it

Favorite Pairing: Zyr with ice

Thankful For: A full glass of Zyr

Professional Goals: Everyone drinking Zyr

Personal Goals: Never stop drinking Zyr